

  • 11月15日: 提前行动截止日期申请最佳考虑
  • 12月下旬: Email invitations to interview will begin and will continue on a rolling basis. Students who submitted all required materials by the November 15 early action deadline should expect interview notification no later than January 14.
  • 十二月底至二月中: Interviews will take place virtually and in-person (tentative); students will be sent videos and materials to review in advance.
  • 2月1日至3月1日: 入学 decisions will be mailed on a rolling basis. 



Complete applications will be reviewed by Undergraduate 入学s and HTC to determine whether the application will be forwarded to the Director(s) of 研究 (faculty members responsible for administering each program of study) for further review. Directors of 研究 will select candidates for required  interviews. 

这所学院非常挑剔, typically enrolling fewer than 100 students each year across all of its programs of study. Applicants who do not receive an invitation to interview for an HTC program automatically will be reviewed for admission to the appropriate 俄亥俄州 college. 由于导师制教育的性质, an interview with Directors of 研究 and faculty tutors is required for admission to HTC. 


我们鼓励学生使用 通用申请. 申请人应计划提交一份活动清单, 一封或多封推荐信, 以及两篇针对htc的文章.

Students interested in applying for transfer admission should 遵循转学申请指南

你们可能已经看到了 newbb电子平台是可选考试. 我们真的是这么想的! If you want to submit an ACT or SAT score as part of your 荣誉导师学院 application, 欢迎你这样做, and we’ll use it as one of several factors in considering your candidacy. If you choose not to submit one, we’ll simply use everything else in your application as we review.

newbb电子ing for HTC consideration after submitting the Common App

If you decide to apply for an HTC major after you have submitted your application for admission (whether the Common App or Alternative Online Application), 简单的e邮件 admissions@俄亥俄州.edu :

  1. 你选择的专业 
  2. 你的姓和名
  3. 你的出生日期或身份证号码
  4. 材料概述如下


荣誉导师学院 applicants should submit a list of activities, 一封或多封推荐信, 以及两篇论文(见下文). If you already submitted a list of activities and letter(s) of recommendation, 您不需要重新提交这些项目. Your responses to the essay questions will be considered by all individuals involved in the 荣誉导师学院 admission process. What and how you communicate are important in helping us determine if a tutorial education is the best fit for you. While it is acceptable to ask someone to review your answers for feedback, 写作和想法应该是你自己的. Recommended word count is approximately 500 words per essay.

  1. Please explain why you have chosen your particular program of study.
  2. We expect that one reason you seek a tutorial education is for the one-on-one interaction with faculty, 但除此之外, what interests you about pursuing a tutorial-based undergraduate education? What aspects of your education and life experience have prepared you for a tutorial education with its emphasis on research and creative activity?

此外,电影申请者需要 通过在线电影材料表格提交 at least one of the following items: a personal statement, 一篇短文, 链接到你的相关作品, 原创剧本, 或者一份有创意的简历.


Please do not send original artwork or other "one-of-a-kind" materials unless providing digital copies. Because of the number of applications received, it will not be possible to return materials.

Submit supplemental materials via e邮件, postal mail, or fax.

电子邮件: admissions@俄亥俄州.edu

雅典:OH 45701-2979



以便更好地了解他们的能力, HTC applicants are strongly encouraged to submit the optional materials below. Applicants who do not submit additional materials may be contacted and asked to submit them at a later date.

申请人可能 submit two letters of recommendation, at least one from a math or science teacher.

申请人可能 submit one writing sample, preferably a research paper.

申请人可能 submit two letters of recommendation, at least one from a math or science teacher.

申请人可能 submit one writing sample, which may be any paper from high school.

申请人可能 submit a written essay on the significance of dance to the applicant's career objectives, 还有两封推荐信, one from a dance instructor and one from an academic teacher or counselor. Writing samples from academic coursework are also encouraged.

申请人可能 submit a copy of an essay written for an 英语 class, 哪一个分析文学作品. If possible, the essay should incorporate secondary sources (but this is not essential). Applicants interested in creative writing may also submit a short sample of creative work.

申请人可能 submit a writing portfolio including at least three samples of published work. Students who intend to study broadcast and/or multimedia journalism are also encouraged to submit links to short video or audio clips in addition to the writing portfolio.

媒体艺术 & 研究
Applicants interested in integrated media (narrative video), 音乐制作和唱片工业, 编剧和制作, 游戏和动画, or media and social change must submit a portfolio of work that may include creative or written work.

申请人可能 submit two letters of recommendation, at least one from a math or science teacher.

申请人可能 submit two letters of recommendation that speak to the applicant's knowledge and use of the language and culture. Samples of graded papers in 西班牙语 with at least two pages of writing with teacher comments are also welcome.

申请人可能 提交初始作品集 电子版供查阅.

申请人可能 submit a copy of a paper written for an 英语 or social studies class.