


所有学生必须承认他们同意每学期的财务义务条款和条件. 学生在学期注册之前会在My俄亥俄州学生中心收到提示.



I understand that when I register for any class at newbb电子平台 or receive any service from newbb电子平台 I accept full responsibility to pay all tuition, 根据我的注册和/或接受服务而评估的费用和其他相关费用. 我明白,如果我在候补名单上,我将不会被收费.  同意被列入候补名单, 我承认我可能会被列入候补班级, 无须另行通知, 我负责由此产生的任何学杂费.  I further understand and agree that my registration and acceptance of these terms constitutes a promissory note agreement (i.e.在美国,教育贷款是一种以教育贷款形式出现的财政义务.S. 破产法在美国11.S.C. §523(a)(8))规定newbb电子平台向我提供教育服务, 推迟支付这些服务的部分或全部费用, 我保证支付所有的学费, 在公布或指定的到期日之前的费用和其他相关费用.  I understand that my assigned due date is based on when I register for any class and not the starting date of the class.

我理解并同意,如果我放弃或退出我所注册的部分或全部课程, I will be responsible for paying all or a portion of tuition and 费用 in accordance with the published tuition refund policy at http://www.OHIO.edu/policy/12-050.html. I have read the terms and conditions of the published tuition refund schedule and understand those terms are incorporated herein by reference. I further understand that my failure to attend class or receive a bill does not absolve me of my financial responsibility as described above.

The University provides academic courses through a variety of formats; these formats include in-person, 在线, 混合形式, 虽然没有课程保证以特定的格式提供. 因为意外情况会, 在任何时候, 影响以特定方式传递课程内容的能力, 大学保留修改课程内容交付方式的权利. 无论交付格式如何, 学术课程的学杂费保持不变, 与公布的大学学费和费用表一致. 学杂费不予退还或减免, since the University will be providing a full semester of instruction and 奖ing full academic credit to those who satisfactorily fulfill course requirements.


金融持有: I understand and agree that if I fail to pay my student account bill or any monies due and owing to newbb电子平台 by the scheduled due date, newbb电子平台将冻结我的学生账户, 阻止我注册以后的课程, 查看成绩, 或者拿到文凭.

滞纳金: I understand and agree that if I fail to pay my student account bill or any monies due and owing to newbb电子平台 by the scheduled due date, newbb电子平台将按1%的费率评估逾期付款和/或财务费用.每月扣除我学生账户逾期部分的5%,直到我的逾期账户全部付清. 

代收费用:  I understand and accept that if I fail to pay my student account bill or any monies due and owing to newbb电子平台 by the scheduled due date and fail to make acceptable payment arrangements to bring my account current, 根据俄亥俄州修订法典第131条,newbb电子平台可将我的拖欠账目提交给俄亥俄州总检察长.02. 该帐户将按O .规定的法定利率计息.R.C. 131.02(D). I further understand that I am responsible for paying the collection agency fee which may be based on a percentage at a maximum of thirty-five percent of my delinquent account, 连同所有成本和费用, 包括合理的律师费, 必须用来收回我的欠款. 最后, 我明白,我的拖欠帐户可能会报告给一个或多个国家信用局.


沟通方式:  我理解并同意newbb电子平台使用电子邮件作为与我沟通的官方方式, 因此我有责任及时阅读我从newbb电子平台收到的电子邮件.

联系人:  I authorize newbb电子平台 and its agents and contractors to contact me at my current and any future cellular phone number(s), 关于拖欠学生账户/贷款的电子邮件地址或无线设备, 我欠newbb电子平台的其他债务, 或接收newbb电子平台的一般信息. 我授权newbb电子平台及其代理和承包商使用自动电话拨号设备, 人工的或预先录制的声音或文字信息, 私人电话和电子邮件, 在他们努力联系我的时候. 此外, I understand that I may withdraw my consent to call my cellular phone by submitting my request in writing to the 财务长办公室 or in writing to the applicable contractor or agent contacting me on behalf of newbb电子平台.

更新联络资料:  I understand and agree that I am responsible for keeping newbb电子平台 records up to date with my current physical addresses, 电子邮件地址, 通过在我的俄亥俄学生中心更新这些信息或联系注册主任办公室来获取这些信息和电话号码.  无论出于何种原因离开newbb电子平台, it is my responsibility to provide newbb电子平台 with updated contact information for purposes of continued communication regarding any amounts that remain due and owing to newbb电子平台.


I understand that aid described as ¿estimated¿ on my Financial Aid Award does not represent actual or guaranteed payment but is an estimate of the aid I may receive if I meet all requirements stipulated by that aid program.  本人明白本人无须借用所提供的全部贷款金额. 我可以选择拒绝贷款或接受减少的金额.

I understand that my Financial Aid Award is contingent upon my continued enrollment and attendance in each class upon which my financial aid eligibility was calculated. 如果我中途退课, I understand that my financial aid eligibility may decrease and some or all of the financial aid 奖ed to me may be revoked.

如果我的部分或全部经济资助因为我辍学或没去上课而被撤销, 我同意偿还所有被撤销的支付到我账户上的援助.

I agree to allow financial aid I receive to pay any and all charges assessed to my account at newbb电子平台 such as tuition, 费用, 校园住宿和膳食计划, 学生健康保险, 停车许可证, 服务费用, 或者其他数量, 根据援助条款.

联邦援助:  我明白,我收到的任何联邦第四章财政援助, 除了联邦勤工俭学工资, 会不会先用来支付我的学费, 费用, 房间, 和董事会. 第四章经济援助包括佩尔助学金, 补充教育机会补助金(SEOG), 直接贷款, 加上贷款, 帕金斯贷款, 和TEACH资助项目.  I authorize newbb电子平台 to apply my Title IV financial aid to other charges assessed to my student account such as 学生健康保险, 停车许可证, 服务费用, 以及其他与教育有关的费用. I further understand that this authorization will remain in effect until I rescind it or the end of the current semester and that I may withdraw it 在任何时候 by contacting the Office of Student Financial Aid and Scholarships.

奖品、奖励、奖学金和助学金:   我明白所有奖品, 奖, 奖学金, and 奖助金 奖ed to me by newbb电子平台 will be credited to my student account and applied toward any outstanding balance. 我进一步了解,我收到的奖品, 奖, 奖学金, or grant is considered a financial resource according to federal Title IV financial aid regulations and may therefore reduce my eligibility for other federal and/or state financial aid (i.e., 贷款, 奖助金, 联邦工作研究), 如果已经支付到我的学生账户, 必须逆转并返回援助来源吗.


我明白,如果我是由第三方赞助(例如.g. (政府机构或雇主),我必须对我帐户上的任何未付余额负责.  如上所述的拖欠账户制裁将适用.  我明白雇主直接支付给我的报销不被视为第三方协议, 我必须在规定的到期日之前付款,以防止任何拖欠账户的制裁.


我了解到newbb电子平台使用电子结算作为其官方结算方式, 因此,我有责任在预定的到期日之前查看并支付我的学生账户余额. I further understand that failure to review my account does not constitute a valid reason for not paying my bill on time. 网上帐户资料可于 www.俄亥俄州.edu/bursar.


我理解行政管理, 文书, 或者技术账单错误不能免除我支付正确金额学费的经济责任, 由于我在newbb电子平台注册而评估的费用和其他相关财务义务.


如果支付给我的学生账户的款项因任何原因被银行退回, 本人同意退还原款项及退回款项的费用,最高可达$25.00. I understand that multiple returned payments and/or failure to comply with the terms of any payment plan or agreement I sign with newbb电子平台 may result in cancellation of my classes and/or suspension of my eligibility to register for future classes at newbb电子平台.  如果我有多个退回付款的实例, 我明白,我可能不再被允许支付与特定的付款方式.


如果我决定完全从newbb电子平台退学,我将按照以下说明进行 http://www.OHIO.edu/registrar/register#withdrawal,本人理解并同意在此作为参考.

隐私权 & 责任

我知道newbb电子平台受 家庭教育权利和隐私法(FERPA), which prohibits newbb电子平台 from releasing any information from my education record without my written permission. 因此, 我明白,如果我想让newbb电子平台与他人分享我的教育记录信息, 我必须按照下列程序提供书面许可 http://www.OHIO.edu/registrar/ferpa. 我进一步明白,我可以在任何时候按照同样的程序撤销我的许可.


I agree to provide my Social Security number (SSN) or taxpayer identification number (TIN) to newbb电子平台 upon request as required by Internal Revenue Service (IRS) regulations for 1098 - t形式 reporting purposes. 如果我没有提供我的SSN或TIN给newbb电子平台, 我同意支付因遗失SSN/TIN而被征收的所有罚款.


I understand and agree that if I am younger than the applicable age of majority when I execute this agreement that the educational services provided by newbb电子平台 are a necessity, 根据“必需品原则”,我有合同义务.¿


本协议取代所有先前的谅解, 表示, 学生与newbb电子平台之间的谈判和通信, 构成双方就所述事项达成的完整协议, 不受任何交易过程或履行过程的改变或影响.  本协议可以由newbb电子平台修改,如果修改是由我签字.  任何修改均特别限于修改中涉及的政策和/或条款.